1. Is it necessary for me to perform Mahalaya tarpanam on amavasya apart from performing amavasya tarpana?

Ans. There are only 2 ways to this. Either it is tarpana all 16 days of Mahalaya or or any 1 day only. Read details below.

  • a] If you are performing paksha mahalaya tarpanam which means all 16 days, each day you are doing tarpana then even on amavasaya day you should perform tarpana. So for you it will be 2 tarpanas, one is amavasya tarpana which you do each month and since you are doing 16 days mahalayam so mahalaya tarpana also.

  • b] If you have performed a Hiranya mahalaya shraddham on any one of the days followed by tarpana then you need not perform a mahalaya tarpana on amavasya. Just do only amavasai tarpanam. The rule is if one shraddham followed by one tarpana is performed during mahalaya towards satisfying your pitrus & karunika pitrus it covers the merits of the entire paksha. We cannot pick and choose specific days during mahalaya to repeat the tarpana. Some people have the practice of selecting 3-4 days for tarpana which is not correct as per shastras. Either it is all days in paksha mahalaya or single day sakrun mahalaya.

Q2. I am doing paksha mahalaya tarpana full 16 days and on Amavasya I need to perform 2 tarpanas as per above answer in Q1. Which should be done 1st and which 2nd ?

Ans. First perform amavasaya tarpana and then mahalaya tarpana.

Q3. Can I voluntarily choose/select to perform Sakrun Mahalaya Hiranya shraddham on amavasaya thithi as it is said Amavasya is generally associated with pitru karyas?

Ans: Sakrun mahalaya shraddham should not be planned on Amavasya as this thithi in mahalaya has been reserved only for those who are childless, widow, widower and brahmachari. Only these 4 categories. Those who fall in these 4 categories can perform mahalaya hiranya shraddham on Amavasya not others.

Q4. My father’s / mother’s shraddham falls in the month of mahalaya (Purattasi / Kanya masam / Bhadrapada). Can I perform mahalaya shraddham in one of these 16 days and then on their annual shraddha thithi which falls in mahalaya month do annual shraddham?

Ans: If your parent/s annual shraddham falls in any day of the full month of mahalaya then you should not perform Sakrun mahalaya shraddham before performance of annual shraddham for your parent/s. It can be done only after annual shraddham is done if annual shraddha thithi comes in mahalaya month.

Q5. In the above case if my parent's annual thithi falls in kanya masa / purattasi month which is mahalaya month and it comes after mahalaya is over I will then miss the performance of mahalaya isn't it ?

Ans: No, our Rishis are very kind and they have answers for everything. Dharma shastras have given an alternative period for performing mahalaya, which is in the following month Krishna paksha. Refer to Mahalayam FAQs Dharmashastram Part 2 for more information at the end of the post.

Q6. My father took Sanyasa in later part of his life and died on Shashti thithi (could be any other thithi also). Can I perform Sakrun mahalaya shraddham on Shashti for him ?

Ans. No you cannot perform. As Dwadashi is the only day which is reserved for anyone who has taken Sanyasa and then died. So you should perform your father’s shraddham on Dwadashi only.

Q6. What about if my father did not take Sanyasa and his death thithi is Dwadashi. Can I perform Sakrun mahalaya shraddham and tarpanam for him on this day ?

Ans: Yes you can. The rule is only for anyone becomes Sanyasi, then for them the mahalaya shraddham performance is only Dwadashi irrespective of the thithi they actually died. But if it is non sanyasi and died on Dwadashi you can do it on Dwadashi also, else you can perform on Bharani nakshatra, Ashtami or trayodashi also in case of non sanyasi as these thithi are equated to Gaya shraddha phalam.

Q7. Are there any special rules I need to follow during the mahalaya paksham ?

Ans: You should not shave (beard / moustache) or do haircut during mahalayam. Also you should not take oil bath during full period of mahalayam and you should maintain brahmacharya. Though onion garlic should be always avoided as per shastras, you should atleast make it a point to avoid for these 16 days.

Q8. Are these above rules to be followed only by my father who is doing the mahalaya shraddham for his father (my grandfather) or even I have to follow it ?

Ans: If you stay in the same house with your father then it is surely applicable. As house rules / festivals are applicable to all. Imagine your father is performing tarpana and shraddham with utmost bhakti and you are enjoying in a spa, which is incorrect.

Q9. My mother is alive and I am doing shraddham / tarpana as my father is not alive. So what happens to mata varga ? Those who are no more alive above my mother.

Ans: So when we look at your father’s side. You are performing tarpana for your deceased father, his father (your grandfather) and his father (your great grandfather). For mother’s side for example if she wasn’t alive will be your mother, mother’s mother-in-law (your grandmother), mother-in-law’s mother-in-law (great grandmother). So here 2 options are there in shastras. One you can leave your mother who is alive now and perform shraddham and tarpana for 3 mother in laws above her by adding one more in the last which is your great grandmother’s mother in law or leave performance of mother’s varga / side till she is alive. Both are permitted.

Q10. I need to change the yagnopaveeta in opposite direction each time I am doing tarpana for pitrus. In case I forget to do it somewhere and perform the tarpana in normal yagnopaveeta posture only then what happens ?

Ans: You have to re-start the process all over again. Same rule is applicable even in Hiranya shraddham while given rice, raw banana and dal to brahmins when they come in pitru sthana in your house.

Q11. Can I do tarpana with wet panchakaccham / veshti as it will be more madi / pure ?

Ans: Doing shraddham or tarpana with wet clothes is against Shastras. Similarly you cannot do shraddham / tarpanam wearing single vastram. It means that your panchakaccham / veshti should be accompanied by Angavastram/ uttareeyam tied to your hip always. 2 vastrams necessary for all deva and pitru karmas.

Q12. My family members say we do not have practice of doing mahalayam. So better not start something which our forefathers never did.

Ans: This is the most deplorable statement anyone can make. Shastras lay so much emphasis on each person performing mahalaya irrespective of whichever caste he may be so that his pitrus bless him with progress in life and good health, wealth and children. Non performance of mahalaya will lead to severe pitru dosha which will affect you in adverse way. If not all days at least 1 day in mahalaya you should do Sakrun mahalaya shradhham.

Q13. I planned mahalaya shraddham on a particular thithi but unfortunately on that day in the last minute it got cancelled to some emergency or vadhyars did not come. What should be done?

Ans: Any mahalaya shraddham which gets cancelled in the last minute should re-planned only after Mahalaya Amavasya in the first 5 days followed Mahalaya Amavasya, which is from Prathamai to Panchami of the following month Aippasi / Tula / Ashvina month.

Q14. How much dakshina should be given to brahmins in Mahalaya ?

Ans: Shastras though recommend Parvana Shraddham in mahalaya (performing homam and brahmana bhojanam) like we do for annual shraddham of parents. But if we are performing Hiranya shraddham which is a shortcut by just giving raw rice, dal and banana then as a compensation of not doing the shraddham with homam and bhojanam the dakshina should be 4 times the Parvana shraddham. The name Hiranya itself suggests “Gold” which means give gold coin as dakshina since you are taking short cut. Short cuts have always more price to pay. For example any special entry darshan in temples to save time and ease you need to pay higher price. Shorter the time more is the price.

Q15. Should we keep separate koorcham/bhugnam/darbhastambam for Karunika pitrus during tarpanam?

Ans: Yes you should keep separate koorcham for Karunika pitrus. The rule is if you keep for amavasai tarpana 1 koorcham then during mahalaya you should keep totally 2 koorcham. One for your regular father/mother side pitrus and the other for Karunika pitrus. If you keep 2 koorchams during Amavasya tarpana separate for father and mother’s side then in mahalaya tarpana you need to keep 3 and 3rd being for Karunika pitrus.

Q16. Where should I place the Karunika pitru koorcham in my tarpana vessel?

Ans: You are sitting facing east direction for your tarpana. Karunika pitru koorcham will be in the west most end of the vessel, the top 1 or 2 koorchams as per family practice being towards east or middle respectively. Families who use 2 separate koorchams during Amavasya can place the karunika pitrus koorcham either in the west most end towards you as highlighted above or can place it in middle of the 2 koorchams.

These 16 additional key questions answered on Mahalayam for public awareness and correct understanding of this great ritual. At Veda Ghosham we actively train people on such important Vedic Dharma and Nityakarma as prescribed by our ancient Rishis in Sutras, with minute details of do’s and don’ts during our daily Nitya karma-anushtanas with indepth meaning and tattva. We run camps in various cities and also have started online classes on Nityakarmas like Sandhyavandanam, Brahmayagnam, Pundra Dharana Vidhi (Vibhuti/Namam), Snana Vidhanam Vrata Anushtanam, Festivals celebration as per Shastras, Devata Poojai, tarpan